home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* myfsinfo.c - program to display disk types for volumes currently in
- * system.
- *
- * Doesn't check all allocations!
- *
- * ToDo: ReadArgs() interface to specify a particular device
- * Pooled memory allocation ? nah, no real point.
- */
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/alerts.h>
- #include <exec/nodes.h>
- #include <exec/lists.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <exec/libraries.h>
- #include <exec/tasks.h>
- #include <exec/execbase.h>
- #include <dos/dos.h>
- #include <dos/dosextens.h>
- #include <proto/dos.h>
- #include <proto/exec.h>
- struct MyVolumeNode {
- struct MinNode minnode;
- STRPTR name;
- ULONG DiskType;
- };
- #define IsMinListEmpty(x) \
- ( ((x)->mlh_TailPred) == (struct MinNode *)(x) )
- static const TEXT verstag[] = "$VER: disktype 42.1 (7.8.95)\0";
- static const TEXT HexFmt[] = "$%08lx";
- static const UWORD putChProc[2] = { 0x16c0, 0x4e75 };
- /*static const TEXT cmdTemplate[] = "DEVICE";*/
- static __inline void InlineNewList( struct List *list );
- ULONG main( void )
- {
- struct ExecBase *SysBase = (*((struct ExecBase **)4L));
- struct DosLibrary *DOSBase; /* obvious ;) */
- struct DosList *dosList; /* pointer to system doslist */
- struct MinList myVolList; /* pointer to private copy */
- struct MyVolumeNode *thisVol; /* pointer to current volume node */
- struct Process *myProcess = (struct Process *) SysBase->ThisTask;
- ULONG rc = 0L; /* our return code */
- /* open dos */
- if (!(DOSBase = (struct DosLibrary *) OpenLibrary("dos.library",36L)))
- {
- Alert( AG_OpenLib | AO_DOSLib );
- return( 20L );
- }
- /* init volume list */
- InlineNewList((struct List *)&myVolList);
- /* arbitrate for system doslist */
- dosList = LockDosList(LDF_VOLUMES|LDF_READ);
- while (dosList = NextDosEntry(dosList,LDF_VOLUMES))
- {
- /* add node to vollist */
- STRPTR newName;
- STRPTR oldName;
- ULONG nameSize;
- /* get memory for node */
- thisVol = AllocMem( sizeof(struct MyVolumeNode), MEMF_CLEAR);
- /* copy type */
- thisVol->DiskType = dosList->dol_misc.dol_volume.dol_DiskType;
- /* copy name */
- oldName = BADDR(dosList->dol_Name); /* BCPL cabbage */
- nameSize = (ULONG)(*oldName);
- newName = AllocVec((nameSize+1),0L); /* get RAM for string */
- CopyMem((oldName+1), newName, nameSize); /* copy it */
- newName[nameSize] = ':'; /* append terminator */
- newName[nameSize+1] = '\0'; /* append terminator */
- thisVol->name = newName; /* put pointer in node */
- AddTail((struct List *)&myVolList,(struct Node *)thisVol);
- }
- UnLockDosList(LDF_VOLUMES|LDF_READ); /* finished with system doslist */
- PutStr("Volume DosType\n"); /* make localisable? */
- if ( !IsMinListEmpty( (struct MinList *) &myVolList))
- for ( thisVol = (struct MyVolumeNode *) myVolList.mlh_Head;
- thisVol->minnode.mln_Succ;
- thisVol = (struct MyVolumeNode *) thisVol->minnode.mln_Succ )
- {
- TEXT hexFmtBuf[64];
- ULONG disktype = thisVol->DiskType;
- STRPTR verboseType;
- if (!disktype)
- {
- /* we need to do it the hard way */
- struct InfoData info;
- BPTR rootLock;
- /* I can't be bothered checking ;) */
- /* and i'd rather have used packets instead... */
- rootLock = Lock( thisVol->name, SHARED_LOCK );
- (void) Info( rootLock, &info );
- UnLock(rootLock);
- disktype = info.id_DiskType;
- }
- switch( disktype )
- {
- verboseType = "Unreadable disk"; /* make localisable */
- break;
- case ID_DOS_DISK:
- verboseType = "OFS [DOS\\0]";
- break;
- case ID_FFS_DISK:
- verboseType = "FFS [DOS\\1]";
- break;
- verboseType = "OFS INTL [DOS\\2]";
- break;
- verboseType = "FFS INTL [DOS\\3]";
- break;
- verboseType = "DCFS OFS [DOS\\4]";
- break;
- verboseType = "DCFS FFS [DOS\\5]";
- break;
- verboseType = "MS-DOS [MSD\\0]";
- break;
- verboseType = "Kickstart [KICK]";
- break;
- Fault( ERROR_NOT_A_DOS_DISK, NULL, hexFmtBuf, 64L );
- verboseType = hexFmtBuf; /* localised. */
- break;
- default:
- /* do substitution for unprintable chars */
- RawDoFmt(HexFmt, &HexFmt+1, (void (*)) putChProc, hexFmtBuf);
- verboseType = hexFmtBuf;
- break;
- }
- /* spill the beans */
- Printf("%-20s%s\n",thisVol->name,verboseType);
- }
- cleanup:
- /* free our volume list */
- if ( !IsMinListEmpty( (struct MinList *) &myVolList))
- {
- /* List header is not updated while each node is freed (!) */
- struct MyVolumeNode *worknode = (struct MyVolumeNode *) myVolList.mlh_Head;
- struct MyVolumeNode *nextnode;
- while (nextnode = (struct MyVolumeNode *)(worknode->minnode.mln_Succ))
- {
- if (worknode->name) FreeVec(worknode->name); /* free string */
- FreeMem(worknode, sizeof(struct MyVolumeNode));
- worknode = nextnode;
- }
- } /* until done */
- CloseLibrary((struct Library *)DOSBase);
- return(rc);
- }
- static __inline void InlineNewList( struct List *list )
- {
- list->lh_TailPred = (struct Node *) list; /* get lh_tail */
- list->lh_Tail = NULL; /* clear lh_Tail */
- list->lh_Head = (struct Node *) &(list->lh_Tail); /* address of lh_tail to lh_Head */
- }
- /* disktype.c */